
Welcome to Bossy's Cakes and Treats. Join me on my journey as I attempt to explore the wonders of baking.....this should be interesting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Strawberry Sundaes

Who doesn't love a sundae? I found strawberry cake to be very crumbly and almost impossible for me to work with so........... I swirled it with a denser white cake, filled it with stabalized whipped cream, topped it off with some more whipped cream, drizzled on the fudge and even put the cherry on top. These ones taste as sweet as they look


I love this stuff from the very beginning. As I swirl butter and sugar together in my pan I gaze in amazement at the dark amber cream that appears before my very eyes. Of course this is nothing compared to the finished product. To eat some toffee is to taste a little bit of Heaven, yes, I think it is that good.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Attempt at Flowers

So I made some Oooey Goooey Gooodness for my friend's birthday. Her husband wanted some purple fondant flowers on top for the decor so I got to experiment. I dyed the white fondant I had and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be, of course now I have a huge supply of purple fondant because I thought I was going to make a million flowers. They turned out cute but I really want to get a flower making set now. I see another trip to Michael's in my near future.